We left Sullivan around 11:00 - again foggy in the am but burned off before we left. When Rod went to pay our bill there were hot out of the oven turnovers - so he got 1 cherry & 1 apple - yum! It was time to vacuum again - lots of cat hair & cat sand. Figured I would do that while we still had power as we'll be on the generator for the next couple of days.
About our sun/bug screens...they are getting a real work out & we love them!!! There are a lot of bugs - mostly horse flies & other little ones in the Broughtons, mosquitoes & yellow jackets in Desolation. Rod has been bitten several times by the horse flies - they take a big bite out of you & it's very sore for a couple of days.
We went past Lacy Falls - no water coming down. We've been there in years past when the water is rushing down the falls & you can get close enough so the water is splashing on the boat. The manager at Sullivan Bay told us this has been the best summer weather in a long time for the Broughtons - minimal rain.
We anchored in Wahkana Bay around 2:00pm for the night...on our way to Kwatsi Marina tomorrow. We were at the very end of the bay & were the only boat. This was a bay that Rod found on our Active Captain system - other boaters can comment on places to stay in the area you are in.
Dinner tonight was corned beef hash with eggs & english muffins. I bought the hash at Market House Meats in Seattle where I buy corned beef to make & freeze for the boat. The hash comes in packets with onions, potatoes & green pepper. They make it there & it's delicious. The packets are good for 2-3 people & it freezes well.
Kitty update: Chardonnay is doing quite well on the boat. He loves sitting by the open doors & occasionally wanders around the deck. His thyroid medicine (newly diagnosed before we left) & insulin shots twice a day seem to be synced up properly. Before we left, the vet taught us (really Rod) how to do a glucose curve by pricking his ear & getting blood samples every 3 hrs starting at 6am to 6pm for a day. We've done it twice so far on this trip - Rod emails the vet who tells us how often to do the curve & if we need to adjust his insulin. We did the last test just after the family left & will do the next one mid-Aug. His last curve was great - right within the desired range. The other thing that we notice, especially on the boat because he has to use steps going up & down to sleep & eat, is how gingerly he is moving. He's got arthritis & in cat years is in his 80's so I guess that's to be expected (:
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